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Frequently asked questions related to all aspects of ordering from Newprint.

What is the double-sided option on page one, and what is it typically used for?
Typically, important information such as terms and conditions, instructions, and "fine print" content is printed on the back of the form for the customer to ready without taking up all of the space on the front of the form. The content on the back should be a very light colour of approximately 50% opacity to not show through on the front side.
Can custom numbering be positioned anywhere on the page?
Numbering can be placed anywhere on the form but is usually positioned in an upper or lower corner. An area of at least 1" x 0.5" is required for the numbering. This can be indicated with a box or a prefix, such as "Invoice:" or simply left blank. It is recommended to position the numbering a minimum of 1" away from the edge of the page. The desired location for the numbering can be indicated by adding an overprint layer in Adobe Illustrator or InDesign to show where the numbering should go. However, it needs to be done carefully to ensure the overprint element is set up correctly. If no specific location is indicated, the numbering will be positioned in the best available location with sufficient space (generally in the upper right corner).
What is the thickness of NCR forms and books?
The thickness of 2 part NCR is 0.5" per 50 sets, the thickness of 3 part NCR is 0.75" per 50 sets. For 25 sets of 2 part, the thickness is 0.25", and for 25 sets 3 part it is 0.375".
How many books would I be getting based on the quantity I order?

It all depends on how many forms you order. For example, if your quantity order is 50, you will get either 1 book of 50 forms or 2 books of 25 forms. The quantity is not the number of books; it is the number of forms ordered.


QTY ÷ SETS per Book = Number of Books

1000 Forms ÷ 50 Sets Per Book = 20 Books

Are there any guidelines to follow while creating a form? Are there any margins? What size should we be creating the document?
Please do not add bleeds to NCR forms, and please keep 0.125 margins. You should create a document of the exact dimensions you will be selected when placing your order.
Does Newprint offer any design services, and does the order come with a design demo before it goes through?
We do offer design services, and the proof will always be sent to you for approval before we print the order.
I'm looking for a 3page NCR form but would like the form to be smaller than the smallest size you have on your website.
To place your order for a smaller size, you will need to select the next size up in the selections. We will under trim the NCR for you once the order is received. You can still upload your file even if there is a warning. You could also click "upload file later" and email in your file, referencing the order number.
Can I customize the fields on the form? If not, what does the typical template look like for carbonless forms?
We do have standard NCR templates in our library. We could send you some examples to see which ones would be the most suitable for you. We also offer graphic design services in case you need us to modify any of these templates.
We want to reorder the same print. Please let us know if we can do that.
You can log into your account and click the "Reorder" button; this will create a new order with the exact same specs and artwork.
Can Brochures be distributed with Canada Post?
Yes, Canada Post is an ideal option for brochure distribution. A few factors and requirements will need to be taken into account if Canada Post will be used, however. Firstly, there are the size and weight limitations per piece for each class of postage. The maximum size for Standard postage (as opposed to Oversized, which costs more) is 12"x6", and the maximum weight is 500 grams. For brochures, the weight restrictions are not as much of a factor as they would be for items like catalogs, where it would be much easier to reach that limit. However, the maximum dimensions can be an issue if the piece is designed at a size that would be too large. For example, a 17"x11" folded to 8.5"x11" would be too large. However, the size is measured when the piece is folded, not flat. This means that 11x17 could be folded differently to bring it down below the maximum of 12"x6". The other factor that will need to be considered is the bundling requirements. Canada Post requires the bundles to be no more than 6" thick. Still, the standard is to put 100 pieces per bundle (i.e. 10 bundles of 100 is 1000, rather than putting exactly 6" bundles and having to figure out how many that is). For items larger than 8.5"x5.5", Canada Post usually requires that the bundles have 2 elastics, or they might reject the mailing.
Are the Brochure sizes listed flat or folded?
The sizes listed in the product configurator are the unfolded, flat size of the brochure. Most people design a brochure as a flat size, rather than one document per panel. The same flat size can be folded in many different ways. For example, a 14"x8.5" could be tri-folded, half-folded, 4-panel accordion folded, etc., with each option producing a different folded size.
What are the most common folds for Brochures?
The most common fold for a Brochure would be the classic Tri-Fold. This will be familiar from take-out menus, product pamphlets, promotional brochures at information centers, and many other applications. It is ideal for mailing and can easily be inserted into envelopes. A "Letterfold" is just a portrait Tri-Fold but has a different name because it is mostly used for letters and documents inserted into a #10 envelope. A frequent variation of the Tri-Fold is the Z-fold, where instead of the last panel being tucked into the brochure, it is folded outwards, forming a "Z" shape. Z-fold is usually chosen for bilingual items, as each side of the brochure can be a different language. When it is folded, you will see, for example, French on one side and English on the other. The second most popular fold would be the half-fold, as it is simple, easy, and economical. It is not as popular as the Tri-Fold because it only allows 4 panels in which to arrange content, rather than the 6 of a Tri- or Z-Fold. It is frequently used for newsletters, product handouts, and small maps or guides. It can also be used for inserts into catalogs, coupon flyers, or menus. Because there is only one fold, thicker stocks can be used, and additional finishes like lamination can be added without affecting the fold's functionality.
Can I get fold options that are not listed on the site?
The options available on our site are the most common options for brochures and will cover most applications. However, if you have a custom project with a fold that is not listed on the site, you can email [email protected] to see if the fold can be done and for a custom quote.
Why did the fold I wanted disappear after I changed my paper or size?
Suppose you are comparing paper and size options and see the fold you want is no longer available. In that case, the fold is not compatible with either the size or the paper that you have chosen. For example, a Quarter Fold is possible on a 10pt or 12pt card stock, but not on 14pt. Quarter Fold requires the paper to be folded until there are 4 layers at the central fold, and the 14pt is too thick.  Another example would be the Double Gate Fold, which is not available for 11"x8.5" or 9"x12" but is available for 8.5"x14" and up. The 4 panels on a Double Gate Fold are not the same size. There needs to be sufficient length for the two outer panels to be shorter than the inside panels, but still large enough for a reasonable amount of content.
Are there any special margins required for Brochures?
As with most items, a minimum of 0.125" or 1/8" margin should be allowed from all cut edges. With Brochures, all important content should also be a minimum of 0.125" or 1/8" from all folds. This is for aesthetic reasons as well as practical ones. Suppose there is a nice even margin around the content. In that case, it will be pleasingly centered on each panel and it will look more professional. It also helps delineate the content on each panel. It makes sure that nothing will fall into any of the folds or run over onto another panel. This can be especially problematic if the panel in question is on the outside, and the content runs onto one of the inside panels so that it is only fully visible when the brochure is unfolded.
I’m not sure how to correctly set up folds and text orientation on my design file.
You can use our design templates to help you get started. Choose your product options on the brochures product page, and once you are done with the selection, you will automatically get 3 design files that correspond to your selected product options. These files can be found for download on the right side of your screen. They are all the same files, but 3 different file types (AI, IDML and PDF), depending on which software you use for your design. These files contain guides that indicate where the folds are, as well as the orientation of the panels and the safe zones.
Should trim marks be included in the file?
No, trim marks are not required. The PDF file needs to be exported at the exact size as per the order, with a 0.125'' bleed added to all four sides.
How can I get a quote for Brochures?
The easiest way is to use a pricing calculator on the product page. If you are looking for something that is not on the site, please let us know the specifications and we can provide the price.
I would like a perforated section on my brochures, is this possible?
You would need to send us a rough mock-up of the brochure, it would help in determining if it is possible, as well as the price.
What is Corner Stapled Binding?
Corner Staple Binding is the simple and most affordable method of binding. Printed sheets are stapled at the top left corner.
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